
Archdiocesan Mass in Recognition of All Immigrants

07/20/2014, at 03:30 PM
Cathedral Of Our Lady Of The Angels 555 W. Temple Street Los Angeles, California 90012

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles will be celebrating a special Mass in recognition of all immigrants and in support of comprehensive immigration reform that is just and compassionate. You're invited to join the Office of Life, Justice and Peace and Radiate LA in recognition of all those who have come to this beautiful land of ours in search for a better life.

The pre-procession gathering begins at 3:00pm in the Cathedral Plaza followed by mass at 3:30pm in the Cathedral. 

La Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles celebrará una misa especial en reconocimiento a todos los inmigrantes y en apoyo a una reforma migratoria integral que sea justa y compasiva.Te invitamos a unirte a la oficina de Vida, Justicia y Paz y a Radiate LA en reconocimiento a todos aquellos que han llegado a esta nuestra hermosa tierra en busca de una vida mejor.      

La reunión previa a la procesión comenzara a las 15:00 en la Plaza de la Catedral, seguida por la Misa a las 15:30 en la Catedral.

For more information, visit

Start Time
03:30 PM

07/20/2014, at 03:30 PM

Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels 555 W. Temple Street Los Angeles, California 90012

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[email protected]

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